Installing and configuring UNIX-like systems can be a rewarding experience that offers insight into the workings of operating systems at a fundamental level. This chapter provides a high-level overview of the installation and initial configuration processes for four popular UNIX-like systems: FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Rocky Linux, and Debian Linux. Each of these systems embodies the UNIX philosophy in its own unique way, catering to different user needs and preferences.


FreeBSD is known for its robustness, advanced networking, performance, and compatibility with a wide range of hardware. It's often used in high-performance and networking applications.


  1. Download: Obtain the FreeBSD installation media from the FreeBSD website, choosing the appropriate architecture.
  2. Boot: Start the system with the installation media inserted. You'll be greeted by the FreeBSD installer, bsdinstall.
  3. Setup: Follow the on-screen prompts to set up disk partitioning (using either UFS or ZFS), select packages, and configure network settings.
  4. User Accounts: Create a root password and at least one user account with administrative privileges (via sudo or doas).

Initial Configuration

  • Update System: Ensure the system is up to date with freebsd-update fetch and freebsd-update install.
  • Install Packages: Use pkg to install software. For example, pkg install sudo installs sudo.
  • Configure Networking: Edit /etc/rc.conf to configure network interfaces and services.


OpenBSD is celebrated for its focus on security, correctness, and clean code. It is a good choice for security-focused applications and those valuing a minimalistic approach.


  1. Download: Get the OpenBSD installation media from the OpenBSD website, choosing the version that matches your hardware architecture.
  2. Boot: Boot the system from the installation media. The OpenBSD installer, a simple, text-based interface, will start.
  3. Setup: The installer will guide you through disk partitioning (with options for various filesystems), package selection, and network configuration.
  4. User Accounts: Establish a root password and create user accounts. OpenBSD encourages using doas for privilege escalation.

Initial Configuration

  • Update System: Run syspatch to apply binary patches and pkg_add -u to update installed packages.
  • Install Packages: The pkg_add command is used for installing new packages, e.g., pkg_add vim.
  • Network Configuration: Network interfaces can be configured via files in /etc/hostname.if, and other settings are managed in /etc/rc.conf.local.

Rocky Linux

Rocky Linux is a community enterprise operating system designed to be 100% bug-for-bug compatible with America's top enterprise Linux distribution, making it ideal for enterprise environments seeking stability.


  1. Download: Acquire the Rocky Linux ISO from the official website, selecting the version appropriate for your architecture.
  2. Boot: Insert the installation media and reboot the system. The graphical installer will start.
  3. Setup: Through the installer GUI, choose your installation destination, software selection (minimal, server, or custom), and network settings.
  4. User Accounts: Set a root password and create a user with administrative rights.

Initial Configuration

  • Update System: Use dnf update to update all system packages to their latest versions.
  • Install Packages: dnf is the package manager for Rocky Linux. For instance, dnf install epel-release installs the EPEL repository.
  • Configure Networking: Network settings can be managed with nmcli or by editing configuration files in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts.

Debian Linux

Debian is renowned for its stability, extensive software repositories, and commitment to free software principles. It's a popular choice for both servers and desktops.


  1. Download: Download the Debian installation image from the Debian website, ensuring it matches your system's architecture.
  2. Boot: With the installation media ready, boot the system from it. You'll be presented with the Debian Installer, which can be graphical or text-based.
  3. Setup: Follow the prompts to configure disk partitioning (supporting a variety of filesystems), select software to install (from minimal to desktop environments), and set up network interfaces.
  4. User Accounts: Create a root password and at least one user account.

Initial Configuration

  • Update System: Run apt update and apt upgrade to refresh package indexes and upgrade all installed packages.
  • Install Packages: Use apt to install new software. For example, apt install sudo to install sudo.
  • Configure Networking: Edit /etc/network/interfaces for static network configurations or use network-manager for dynamic management.